I was asked to come up with something for an observation class this month to practice object pronouns or possessive pronouns. It hasn't been decided yet so I'll do something for each just in case. Here's the activity for object pronouns. It's called It's Good to be the King.
A group of kids do a janken (thank god for janken) and the winner becomes the king. That person has to give an order to all of the members of group he is playing with. If he does so successfully then he gets to make a mark under the crown on his activity sheet. With five lines he (or she) can make the Japanese character for tadashii 正. If he wins five times and makes the character he is the winner of the first round of the game. The kids can do as many rounds as they have time to do. All of the orders have to involve an object pronoun:
Tell me your name.
Touch him on the shoulder.
Give her a pencil.
Things like that.
There are examples sentences on the activity sheet and of course the teachers will spend the first part of the class explaining or reviewing object pronouns so it shouldn't be too hard. Kids with less confidence in their English can keep giving the same orders; those with more confidence can be encouraged to ask the teachers for ideas for interesting orders. No punching, kicking or kissing allowed.
A good ideas is to have the kids form groups of five. (Where five isn't possible including the teachers will help.) Then make it a rule that a king has to give orders to as many different people as possible. Five different people, five different marks to make the 正.