Long and Short Vowels and Consonants
As soon as you start to teach the pronunciations of the short and long vowel sounds and the consonants you immediately notice exceptions. Of course there are the two pronunciations of g and c. Those are obvious. Less obvious, until you begin to teach it, is the number of sounds that can be represented by a single vowel. Take for example the number of pronunciations represented by a; father, a hat, late. The voiced and unvoiced pronunciation of s isn't something that I immediately think of when I think of s but it's something that might cause problems for someone learning to read for the first time. The s in the word pleasure is mor z-ish that it is s-like. It's the same sound that is represented by the dg in the word judge.
So, as I teach these sounds I'm going to bring the exceptions to the attention of the students. Writing a sentence like This is a pencil. Gives you a chance to point out three of the exceptions right away.
Fortuneatly, at least I think it's a good thing, a lot of the kids can read simple sentences like This is a pen and Do you like rice. That makes it a little easier to point out the exceptions. Below is a list of the pronunciation exceptions that I think ought to be taught.
the a of the indefinite article
the a of ball, father
the c of pencil, city
the f of of
the g of page, garage
the o of do
the o of one
the o of love
the s of is
the u of put
the x of xylophone
the y of happy
Here's a chart of the American English phonemic system for those who are interested.
1年1組 first presentation 4/20
1年2組 first presentation 4/20
1年3組 first presentation 4/21
1年4組 first presentation 4/22 with exceptions (o as in do, c as in pencil, s as in is)
1年1組 second presentation 4/23 with exceptions (a as the indefinite article, o as in do, c as in pencil, s as in is)
1年3組 second presentation 4/21 with exceptions (o as is do, c as in pencil)
1 年1組 third presentation 4/30 with exceptions (o as in do, c as in pencil, g as in page, s as in is, f as in of, a as in father)
1年3組 third presentation 5/6 with exceptions (a as in ball, c as in pencil. g as in page, o as in do, s as in is)
1 nen 1 kumi fourth presentation 5/14 combining short vowel sounds with consonants