Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spelling Bee

In the post for Third Year Review Activites there is a list of words for use in a spelling bee. It seems like a good idea to make some similar lists for first and second year as well because something like that could be fun. In the spelling bees I remember each kid is given a word to spell. They may ask the teacher to use the word in a sentence or what part of speech the word is.If they spell it they continue on with the contest. If they don't spell it correctly they are eliminated. Now, we don't really want to eliminate kids in the classroom because we want them to keep trying to spell the words. If it were a real spelling bee that would be different.

In our classroom spelling bee we'll do it like this.

The kids are divided into their lunch groups. The first group is given a word to spell and they can choose either a one-point, a two-point, or a three-point word. Three-point words are the hardest. If they get it right their team gets the number of points for that word. If they are wrong there is no penalty.Or maybe missing a one point word could carry a one-point penalty. That might make them challenge themselves with the harder words.

Here are the word lists for
 first grade,
 second grade
 and third grade.