- as a karuta game; the kids cue with "Where are you from?" and the teacher answers with "I'm from ~" and the kids grab the flag of the country name they hear.
- as a matching game; the kids have to find the people who have the same cards as they do. Each kid has a card. He or she looks at his or her own card to know what to ask. If they have a Japan card they ask other kids--who are hiding their cards from view, "Are you from Japan?" The child who has been asked the question says either "Yes I am" or "No, I'm not. I'm from ~" and the children who form their group the quickest are the winners. Then they can change cards and do it again.
- as a bingo game; there must be a way to use these in a bingo game but I drank too much sake at the aiki taisai yesterday and my head doesn't feel up to thinking today. As Lord Buckley would say I'm wearing a concrete wig.
If you plan to do the matching game it might be fun to first teach the greetings of the countries you plan to use. Buenos dias, namaste, etc. and have the kids use those greetings when they find a person who has the same card that they do.