Sunday, April 26, 2009

Grade 3 Unit 1 Scavenger Hunt

Here's a scavenger hunt worksheet for use with Unit 1 of the third grade new horizons. It's self explanatory. The kids work in teams to find the items on the list. I'm pretty sure that everything on the list can be found in the classroom. Tell them how much time they have and let them go to it. At the end of the allotted time call a halt to the hunting. The team which found the most number of items on the list is the winner. But that's not the end. Next they have to do a presentation about what they've found. Not everything, but maybe one sentence per person in the group-- time permitting. Maybe something like this:

This is Hiroyuki's pencil case. It was made in China.

The ALT and JTE can help them come up with the sentences. I would also suggest that you not mention the fact that they'll have do to the presentation until after they've had fun ( will it be fun?) looking for the items. Otherwise you might curb their enthusiasm for the activity.

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