Friday, May 8, 2009

Grade 3 Unit 1 Passive Voice Worksheet

Here's another worksheet for Grade 3 Unit 1. This unit is all about the passive voice and knowing the past participle of verbs. I'm pretty sure all of the verbs used in this worksheet are in the glossary in the back of the third grade New Horizon so they can use that, or their dictionaries if they come up against a word they don't know. It's actually quite simple since all they are expected to do is draw a line from the various sections of the mixed up sentences.

For those who may not know:
A shamoji is the scooper that is used to get rice out of a rice cooker.
Shuriken are small dagger or star shaped weapons that are thrown by samurai and ninja.
Kamaboko is a food made from pressed fish paste. Good eating.
Anpan man is an anime character for younger audiences. Little kids love him; at least for the purposes of this worksheet.
I Am A Cat is the name of a novel written by Natsume Soseki.

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