Monday, September 28, 2009

Grade 1 Unit 6

Here is Classroom Bingo for the first grade. First the teachers pass out the questionaires and have the students fill them out and hand them back in. If you don't want to do it all on the same day the questionaire bit can be done beforehand during a previous class. You can even give it as homework if you have a class you can trust to do its homework.

Next the teachers explain that it is a bingo game and that the kids have to write the names of their friends into the squares. Most classes are larger than sixteen so not everyone will have the same names.

Using the information from the questinaires the teachers read three hints. If the kids think that the classmate, or teacher being described with third person singular grammar is represented on their bingo sheet they circle that person. You won't be giving the name of the classmate but the kids being spoken of will probably identify themselves to the class. The ALT square in the middle, which you may need to edit, is a freebie and is an example to show the kids how to play the game.

One drawback I can think of is that the game is all listening. So how to get around that? Maybe have the first kid to get a bingo can, with the teacher's help, read the next clues. I'm open to suggestions.

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