I wasn't able to find any pictures of the New Horizon characters on the web so you'll have to make the game sheets by xeroxing images from the textbook. Paste them into this sheet that made. If it doesn't print out correctly you can just use it as a model to make your own. Teach the two convesations at the bottom of the page. One is used when you find the person you are looking for and the other is for the opposite case.
Pass out the game sheets and cards and tell the students that they are not to show the cards but are supposed to remember their own new name.
Chorally practice the question. Are you ~ using the names of the characters on the game sheet. and the two possible answers, Yes, I am. No I'm not.
The teachers and some volunteers demonstrate the game.
Now the children have to find as many of the people pictured on their game sheet as possible. If you want to you can put a time limit on the game. The students who find all the people or the most people on their game sheets are the winners.
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