Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Year Warm Up

I haven't posted for a long time. There's a filter on at work that keeps the school's computers from saving any changes I make in a new post and I'm too tired when I get home. But not much to do today, only one class. Anyway, here's a good warm up that I saw the other day. It's based on the game Shiritori. The way that game works is: the first player says a Japanese word. Maybe neko.
The next player says a word that begins with the last syllable of that word, konbu. This continues with all the players until one of them inadvertently says a word that ends in a n sound. The player who does that is the loser. If the second player in the example I gave had said kobun, a word that ends in the n sound he would have lost.

The warm-up game is English Shiritori so it doesn't use final syllables it uses final letters. Here's how it goes.

  • The teachers divide the class into three groups. Each group is given a section of the board to work with.
  • The teachers write the first three words on the board, one for each three sections. Something simple. Something they know.
  • The first kid from each group comes up and writes a word that begins with the final letter of the word the teacher wrote.
  • And it continues like that for five minutes or however long you want to do it.
  • At the end of the time period the teacher check the words (mistakes don't count)and the group with the most words is the winner.

The kids are allowed to use their books and they are allowed to give each other ideas.
Fun for the whole family.

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